Ever wanted to doodle in 3-D?! You know you want to try it! Here is one of the latest 3-D printing pens... That's right, a printing pen. Think of the possibilities...
The commercial video included on this page is a little overly-dramatic, but if you skip to the middle, it shows you how the pen works (they start the demonstration at 1:00). It looks kind of like a high-tech hot glue gun (yes, I'm sure it's slightly more complicated than that!)--you feed a thin rod of plastic material into the top, and through some sort of heating or other secret technology, it extrudes a thin, pliable "ink" out of the pen nib as you draw. There are some fun, repeated-pattern examples included on the website--I love the figure drawing...
It looks like this pen was originally started as a Kickstarter, and surpassed its goal. So maybe we'll see it on the market soon...
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