Friday, August 29, 2014

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

What will I be doing this coming weekend?

I will be hiking and hanging out with friends.  What better?  And it should be cooler than the 95-99 degree heat that we've been experiencing this weekend...  "80 degrees" sounds like a refreshing change of pace...

In addition to being social, I'll also (no surprise) be crafting!

Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates workers' achievements, and their contributions to the nation's well-being.  While some might say arts and crafts are a bit of a different kind of "labor" than the holiday was originally referencing, art and textiles continue to add a great deal to one's quality of life.  Additionally, "holiday" to me means time for friends, family, and those hobbies and pursuits that are valued but don't tend to get enough attention during the regular grind.  So...crafting!

What have I been up to lately, crafts-wise?  Bats!
Whenever I have a few minutes, but don't feel like starting a large project, I will sew some felt eyes, or cut some scales out of scraps I have waiting.

That way, when I do have more time or focus, I'll have everything I need to make a plushie ready and waiting:
This past month, I've been cutting out panels in anticipation of my new batch of bats.  The Fall season is fast approaching, and I would like to stock up on finished bats before October. 

So I've been stitching spines,
and eyes

and wings!

I've decided to branch out into other Autumnal and Evening colors, so I think I'm going to have fun!
I'll keep you apprised of my progress...
I've also started work on a "Bat Construction" tutorial, so look for that a little closer to October.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.  And to all you U.S.-based folk, have a lovely holiday!

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