This week debuted the final installment of the "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" movies. That means that I've been going to see these movies with the same group of friends for OVER a decade! In that time, we've graduated from college, moved in and out of the area, and marked several personal milestones. While we may not be up at midnight for the first showing of the next "Harry Potter" or "Star Wars" or "Lord of the Rings" movie anymore, it's really cool that those of us who are in the area still try to follow these cinematic stories together wherever possible. It's crazy how many life experiences those movies bookend.
I first heard "The Hobbit" as a series of cassette tapes (housed in a lovely wooden box) during elementary school. I brought those cassettes to 6th grade to share the audio experience with my classmates while we all labored over giant maps of Bilbo's journey through Middle Earth. But it wasn't until college that I both read and watched "The Lord of the Rings." The two series were pivotal literary and cinematic experiences that I still value. Each version has its own merits.
I've gotten so used to waiting between "chapters" of movies. I'm enjoying each installment of the Marvel/"Avengers" saga, and I hope the new "Star Wars" movies are good. But I will continue to cherish the now-finished glimpses into the world of Middle Earth. That world has its own special category, and I look forward to watching the extended versions in chronological order some time in the future.
ROW80 Update: Life has been a bit of a whirlwind of holiday and travel preparations.
I have not done any more writing for my story. BUT. I have continued to draw and to be creative, in preparing for each blog entry. I finished two stuffed animals. And I baked. And roasted nuts and rolled them in chocolate. So in that sense, I continue to be productive and creative.
Goals: I need to write a couple more scenes for my story each week, while the characters remain fresh. I need to continue prepping blog entries, so that I can keep up with my 1 Update/1 crafts post per week goal. And I need to get back into my "3+ sets of 3 exercises for 3 days straight" goal, which lagged during November. The vlogging idea can wait.
I hope you are all having a lovely holiday season, however, wherever, or whatever you may celebrate!
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