Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's Sunday! (ROW80 Check-In)

Well, this last week was a nice week, productivity-wise.  Feel free to check out my ROW80 goals at the end of this post.  But, in summary:

I was still tired.  But...

I researched insurance, and posted 3 blogs--in fact, I've posted 4 out of the last 5 days!  That's doubling my posts for February, in less than a week!  And two of them were about crafting last weekend (a double-win--some weeks, as you know, I just blog about blogging).  And I ate a lot of great home-made food, both at work and at home (spring rolls, fresh ceviche, eggplant parmigiana, seaweed salad, chipotle fish, fresh baked goods, milk tea, and my homemade red bean mochi--yum!  I'm getting spoiled...).

Knowing me, I'll probably reach a slump, or turn my attention to a different kind of project in the near future, but it's still fun to see the blog post counts rising so rapidly, and the cooking inspiration bubbling!

Now, how about the coming week?

I still need to review my budget, and get in some more exercise.  I also need to finish a blog post that I've been sitting on since mid-December.  I have all the ingredients, and most of the post--I just need to pare down my photos, which can be a toughie, especially when you're me and you have 5 photos that are ALMOST, but NOT QUITE, identical.

And I need to catch up on a crafting project, and clean up/declutter a bit.

My JANUARY (5th) - MARCH (26th) ROW80 GOALS:

Part A (Creativity & Social Media)
1. 1-2 blog posts per week (Ideally: 1 ROW80 post, 1 crafts-based post).
2. Do something creative every day.  Doodles still count.
3. Social Media: Check in with all of my accounts/communities every week.
4. Catch up with/update blog & Facebook photo galleries.

Part B (Catching up with life):
1. Exercise--Ideal goal: 3x3x3 (3 sets of 3 exercises for 3+ days). 
Bare minimum: 1 set of stretches.  Get outside on weekends.

2. Get my finances in order.  Also, address insurance, taxes and a new budget ASAP (however vague).
3. Decluttering, and re-organizing/re-claiming my room.
4. Aim for having my 100th post in May the blog's 2-year)>>At least try...

I seem to be constantly paring down and re-defining and tweaking my goals.  How about you?  Do your goals bear any resemblance to the goals you started with in January?


  1. I used to be very obsessive about my goals. I had a long list for the Round and another list for the month and another for the week. And I stuck with that list for the entire Round. This time, I came up with three biggy goals for the entire Round and then each week come up with goals for that week, based on what needs to get done and what I will have time for. I find I get a lot more done and am a lot less stressed.

    Your goals seem reasonable and attainable. And I think the whole idea of ROW80 is to allow those goals to flex.

    Also, I agree totally with the photo-thing. This afternoon I took about 20 pictures of the deer going through the woods behind my house. And certainly none of them are perfect. So which ones do I delete?

    1. Yes, I feel like my goal list is getting longer and longer, and yet I follow it more loosely with each week! I still appreciate the specificity of the goals, though, because they remind me of what I wanted to work on, and of specified, attainable tasks, which helps lower my anxiety. I also find I'm modifying both my goals and my technique with each other blog I look at, as I see other peoples' interpretations. Hopefully someday I'll figure out which pictures to use...


I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your comments...