Friday, March 27, 2015

Goodbye, March?? (ROW80)

Um, Excuse me...
How is it the end of March AND of this Block of ROW80 already??!
A quick look back at my ROW80 Goals for the January - March Block:

On the one hand, I feel like I more consistently did the things I wanted.  I stretched and wrote or was creative more often (although not every day).  Read more, got out more.  However, I still only focused on a couple of my goals a week, and was very prone to doing the "bare minimum" to complete those.  I mulled over a few project ideas, but did not really dig into them.  I would also sort of vacillate between blogging three days in a row, or skipping two weeks because I was tired and just wanted to eat or read or watch something, and generally wind down after work.  And it was much easier to focus on my ROW80 blog posts rather than working on writing/photographing material for a post based on crafts.  I majorly put off whatever goals I didn't actually want to get to, but thought I ought to work towards as goals (like finances and decluttering).  I really do revert to the "Avoidance Tactic" a little too much.  It's not like it makes me happier...

So...I think I feel generally positive about this round, but I do wish I had been/would be a little more creative a little more often.  And that I was better at getting the "Must Do" things in life out of the way more quickly, instead of pushing them away until I HAD to give them attention.

Mulling over how I would like to re-vamp my goals for Spring.  Someone mentioned a "Minimum/Maximum" goal chart, like you have a totally doable bare minimum version and an exciting-but-also-possible stretch goal for each topic.  I like this idea, but I also feel, in trying it with exercise, that it would possibly discourage me if I failed to meet too many "Minimums" in a week...

Perhaps also slim-line the goals down a lot, and add one "Do One Thing Less Exciting But Necessary Per Day/Week"?

I hope all of your own ROW80 blocks ended well!  Enjoy the close of your week!

My JANUARY (5th) - MARCH (26th) ROW80 GOALS:

Part A (Creativity & Social Media)
[x] 1. 1-2 blog posts per week (Ideally: 1 ROW80 post, 1 crafts post).
[~] 2. Do something creative every day.  Doodles still count.
[~] 3. Social Media: Check in with all accounts/communities every week.
[~] 4. Catch up with/update blog & Facebook photo galleries.

Part B (Catching up with life):
[~] 1. Exercise--Ideal goal: 3x3x3 (3 sets of 3 exercises for 3+ days). 
[x] Bare minimum: 1 set of stretches.  Get outside on weekends.

[~] 2. Get my finances in order.  Also, address insurance, taxes and a new budget ASAP (however vague).
[  ] 3. Declutter and re-organize SOME OFTHE STUFF everywhere.
[86/100] 4. TRY to reach my 100th post in May for the blog's 2-year anniversary).



  1. Ready for Round 2? Checking in 2x a week for ROW80 helps keep us focused but I did learn from another ROW80 writer this round to prioritize my ever-growing list. Somewhat like you do here. I think it's a little less stressful AND makes my most important goals more visible. So here's to a very good round 2.

    1. Good luck this round! I may be trying something new. I only follow a couple goals at a time, and shunt the rest to the side. I may try only having 2-3 goals this round, with anything else as a bonus...


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