Friday, January 9, 2015


Well, it's been pretty chilly everywhere that I've been the last couple of weeks.  I'm done travelling for the time being.  I didn't see any snow during my trip over the holidays, but there've been plenty of beautiful cloudy, sunlit skies, and moments of rain everywhere I've been.  It's warm-blankets-while-the-rain-falls-outside weather, yum.

I've been pondering how I want to re-work my ROW80 goals for 2015. 

To review, here were my ROW80 goals for November and December, 2014:

1. Blog Sketches
2. Blog Posts (10+ blog posts for November & December Two ROW80/NaNoWriMo update posts & one crafts-based post per week)
3. Vlog Idea
4. Creative Writing
5. Tweet more Original Content & Reply to at least one ROW80 post or comment per update interval.
6. Keep Up with Minimum Exercise Goals (3/3/3: 3 sets of 3 exercises, 3 days in a row).

I really found that the goals I wanted to do were the ones that actually got done regularly, while the ones I thought SHOULD get done were often shunted to the side, or just barely completed each week.  But it was definitely helpful and motivating to keep reviewing my goals (and remembering how doable they were), and I liked getting feedback and inspiration from other ROW-80-ers (how's that for a word?).  And it was nice to be posting blogs more often again.
But the specific, small goals were definitely most likely to get done...The open-ended goals got pushed aside, to be defined and resolved later, when I had more time or energy, or different equipment, etc.  And it was kind of sad to see those bullets consistently not being met (the vlog idea, for example).  So I'm going to try to start this January session off with fewer goals, but specific ones.  Also, my schedule has changed, and my energy is directed elsewhere, so I think these types of goals will help encourage me to continue, per the whole ROW80 philosophy.
1. 1-2 blog posts per week (Ideally: 1 ROW80 post, 1 crafts-based post, however minimal).
2. Do something creative every day.  Doodles still count.
3. Exercise--Ideal goal: 3x3x3 (3 sets of 3 exercises, for 3+ days in a row).  Bare minimum: 1 set of stretches.
4. Social Media: Check in with all of my accounts/communities every week.

I still need to figure out how to encourage myself to keep working on my NaNoWriMo story, while the characters are still fresh (I keep saying that...).  But I liked how another ROW80-er simply aspired to daily "creativity" last session.  That could cover writing, crafting, or even cooking...and there's less guilt for not focusing on certain projects at a given time.
So, we'll see how this set works out!

Good luck with your own goals!  And stay warm (or in your perfect seasonal climate)! 


  1. Hello! I'm new to the ROW80 challenge, but I love it so far! I know what you mean by "the goals I wanted to do were the ones that actually got done regularly." I realized since January 5 that my writing desires were too open-ended and I tended to bite off more than I could chew. I also realized I didn't actually have a plan in place to move toward my goals. That's what I love about joining the challenge. I look forward to hearing more about your writing goals.

    1. This is only my second ROW80 session. But I like how ROW80 encourages one to be a little less, as you said, "open-ended" with some goals, which makes them seem more feasible and manageable. Good luck with your writing goals, and your current life pain. Try to think of ROW80 as a companionable helper on your road to something positive, rather than an additional pressure or a guilt-trip.


I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your comments...