Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (ROW80 Check-In)

(n.) Also known as "Sesquipedalophobia," or "the fear of long words."
From "sesquipedalian": a long word, or a person who uses long words.
It's Wednesday again, folks!

Time for a quick update on my ROW80 Goals from the past week:

It's been a little cooler the last couple days in Southern California, and we're expecting a little rain again, yay!  The radio is always full of pieces on small towns that are rationing their last drops...Guess we'll just have to see, won't we?

So what's new with me?

Well, I went two weeks without any blog posts, and then this week I'm back to 3 blogs in one week.  I guess I'll just have to figure out how to accommodate this repeating sine-curve of energy and motivation and inspiration levels.

Work is picking up.  I still run out of steam quickly in the evenings, but I have noticed that with the time change, I feel more prone to take care of things around the house when I get home.  Conversely, I'm still waking up at 4:30 in the morning, because my body isn't sure what time I'm supposed to get up anymore, but it knows it's sometime when it's still dark...But I'm still stretching at least once a day, and getting outside for a little exercise and social time on weekends.  Weeded and hauled wheelbarrows of mulch on Saturday, and then met up with some friends for snacks and board games on Sunday.  It was nice to see people.

In other news... I had a stressful Monday, came home, and...I wrote 1 1/2 pages of my story!  This is my NaNoWriMo story that I really liked, and slogged to the finish line with, and then never touched again.  I don't know if I got burned out from November, as some other people have stated, or if it was just that I was (and am still) stuck about how to resolve my central drama.  But this week, I just skipped all of that and wrote another scene from a different part of the story.

So that was exciting!  I've been a bit creative off and on this quarter, drawing doodles and working on a knitting project, and writing this blog, but I hadn't actually ever gone back to my creative writing project.  I'd been feeling more and more guilty about neglecting it.  So we'll see where that goes...I've also learned that I've already forgotten some of my supporting characters' names, whoops!  I still don't know how all of the bits that are not actual scenes can properly fit into the story, but I'm fond of all of them, and I hope I can use them.

If you are curious about my ACTUAL ROW80 goals and their progress, you can peruse them below.

My JANUARY (5th) - MARCH (26th) ROW80 GOALS:

Part A (Creativity & Social Media)
[x] 1. 1-2 blog posts per week (Ideally: 1 ROW80 post, 1 crafts post).
[~] 2. Do something creative every day.  Doodles still count.
[~] 3. Social Media: Check in with all accounts/communities every week.
[  ] 4. Catch up with/update blog & Facebook photo galleries.

Part B (Catching up with life):
[~] 1. Exercise--Ideal goal: 3x3x3 (3 sets of 3 exercises for 3+ days). 
[x] Bare minimum: 1 set of stretches.  Get outside on weekends.

[~] 2. Get my finances in order.  Also, address insurance, taxes and a new budget ASAP (however vague).
[  ] 3. Declutter and re-organize SOME OFTHE STUFF everywhere.
[84/100] 4. TRY to reach my 100th post in May for the blog's 2-year anniversary).



  1. Something creative every day is a good one. I am going to use that when we finish here. I am planning to sew, for one thing.

    1. I like it because it is so open. You can work on one project, or switch media every day...But you're still moving into a creative/generative mindset.


I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your comments...