Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day, 2015

Memorial Day is one of those holidays in the U.S. that means something different to everyone.  To some, it is a chance to get together with friends and family, barbeque, celebrate a four-day work week, and take advantage of annual sales. For others, it marks an important time to honor lost family members and friends.  The holiday is a marker that reminds us that the people who have died in the armed forces were serving this country, and were real people with dreams and loved ones. We do not always take proper care of our veterans, and this day serves as a reminder of how much they contribute (and risk). 

However you spent your Monday, I hope you had a good one.

If you would like some more information on Memorial Day in the U.S., feel free to check out the Wikipedia page, as well as this article.

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